Sunday, July 28, 2013


Well its sunday.... I got here on Wednesday and this is the first time I feel like I can just breathe! What a trip its been so far. I flew into Santiago after long night of flying and then immediately went to a small town call Olmué. We stayed at a cute little hotel there and had our orientation. There are 56 of us from all around the world that are living all of this country! I, however, am the farthest South and the first so ever go as far south as me.... What am I getting myself into!? Well after a wonderful time hanging out with all the other exchange students we all departed by car, bus, or plane to our destinations. I am the last one to not meet his host family.... I still am not even in Porvenir! I am staying in a volunteers house for the night in Punta Arenas before I head off to take to 12 minute plane ride over the Magellan Straight tomorrow. I cant even describe what this experience has been so far. I am one of 3 exchange students that can speak any spanish! I couldn't believe that nobody speaks it! Its good though because nobody this far south speaks English. Well, life is good. I am safe. The air is brisk. The future is bright.

That's all I got for now. I am exhausted. Peace out.

p.s. ("the future is bright"is a pun... look up Porvenir is spanish to figure it out)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Party on Garth

Well I am ready to go! Visa is finally in hand and my bags are getting filled up. I spent thursday last week flying out to Los Angeles and then back all in one day in order to go to the consulate for 30 minutes! I mean at least I got to adventure around LA with my Pops. Nothing like taking a bus to Venice Beach and seeing all the cool beach hippies with your slightly uptight Dad right there.

24 hours and then I am out of here! I cant believe it really. I am realizing that packing for 6 months can be very difficult, especially for winter months and with a duffel bag and a 65 liter backpacking pack. I am learning that I am just going to have to be dependent on renting stuff and picking stuff up once I arrive. I am definitely nervous but super excited for what's in store. Ive said most of my goodbyes and am as ready as possible for what lies ahead.

I guess now as Wayne so accurately states, its time to "party on"

Monday, July 1, 2013


Contrary to popular belief, or rather, my previous belief, traveling takes a ton of work. Maybe I was just naive by believing that travel simply took a backpack and a passport or maybe it was just wishful thinking. Whatever the case, that is just simply not true. From applying to my exchange program to working hard at a bike shop to pay for my trip to working out all of my visa stuff, I now see the dark side of travel. Dealing with government agencies and flaky people has often left me often feeling overwhelmed -lets just say its a good thing I have many methods to relieve stress. I am a mere 24 days away from my scheduled departure date but I still do not have my visa nor have I even sent in the application because of a whole variety of reasons. I can rest in the fact that though it might be delayed a week, I am still going to get to go to Chile.

All sorts of sentiments are hitting me right about now: stress, nostalgia, anxiety, joy, and excitement. What is one supposed to do with all that flowing around in their head? My answer, escape to Camp Barnabas, the mountains, and a bicycle. I am so excited to see how the Lord lets me live deliberately this next 6 months.

"Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. 3 And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure."
1 John 3:2-3

That spot way down at the bottom of the map, ya that is where I am living!