Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lambs, crab, thanks, and Id Cards.

Well I am done with school here. I officially finished last week (though we haven't had grades for quite some time now). It feels like I have spent a semester without classes, as I wasn't really challenged ever in class, except for the language, which is hard me for. I like to be challenged and see what I am made of, but school wasn't that for me here. I have my first of my two senior year graduations tomorrow!

Now to the title. Last friday I walked up to my host aunts host to hang out and what did I find, a lamb in the backyard. That is pretty normal here but what made me super excited was when they said we gonna eat it! Now that was just pure joy. That night, my host uncle and I spent a couple hours killing, skinning, gutting and prepping the lamb for the asado al palo (barbecue of sorts where they cool the whole lamb together).  We also drank Nachi (lambs blood with cilantro and garlic) which was pretty cool. I had 7 or 8 big ol spoons of that stuff... yummmmm. We ate the lamb as a family with wine, potatoes, laughter and messy fingers. It was my thanksgiving of sorts. I have also spent the week trying to save the lambskin and use it to make something cool but to my demise, it's not working very well.

Now to the crab. Monday at 4:40 am a friend of mine here in town picked me up and we headed to the docks. We were heading out on his 13m boat to fish crab with him and 3 other fisherman. We were the only boat to head out, everyone else was scared of the wind and waves. Well, they were right to be scared. I spent the entire morning throwing up and trying to sleep off the sea sickness with intervals of watching the guys works and trying to help where I could. By the afternoon I was feeling much better and was helping and chatting it up as we stripped the crab from the nets and pulled up more nets. The day ended as I navigated us back home with a leather sack filled with wine in one hand and the wheel of the boat in the other. Toninas (patagonian dolphins) accompanied the ride home, playing the wake. It was pure good. Unfortunately my camera broke last week so I don't have any pictures but I thinking I am going to head out again and i'll borrow a camera.

Thanks. Its thanksgiving and I am very thankful. To my family here who have taken me in and treated me well. Thankful that I made tomato soup and grilled cheese last night to celebrate America and thanksgiving (a bit easier than the whole turkey thing). Thankful my family is healthy and safe. Thankful for all the prayers and thoughts during this challenging month.

Lastly I have to spend a couple lines talking about my Chilean ID card. I got here 4 months ago and within my first two weeks went to go get my ID card like we all have to. Well through a series of problems with paperwork, strikes, changing of ID card system, and island life, I now finally have my ID card in hand, 4 months later. It expires in 2 months, so that's a bummer, but at least I finally have this stupid piece of plastic!

Cheers y Salud.

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