Thursday, November 14, 2013

1 week later

Well here we are. One week later.

This week has been crazy. Sunday we had all the processions and afterwards, it was a really good time of family. Really all this week has been wholesomely full of family. Lots of big meals with lots of people. Lots of team efforts and family pitching in to help out. This week, we took on the project of cleaning this house.

Years of laziness and disorganization have left this house in horrible condition. The was a continuous drip of water in the kitchen for months. The back yard wasn't enterable as it was full of wood scraps, trash, and whatever other thing you can think of. There was trash and stacks of random things in every corner and a living room full of it upstairs. I wanted so badly to fix it all when I got here but I just couldn't do it alone. I asked for us to do it as a family but with my host dad as he was and my host mom working with mayor stuff, we never did it. Well this week, we are doing it. We are restoring the greenhouse in the backyard, fixing things around the house, cleaning all the junk out and leaving the house in a good state. After 6 full truckloads of trash to the dump, I found a door to a patio upstairs I never knew existed. Tomorrow we have about 4 trucks full of wood to take from the backyard. It's truly incredible how much stuff there is. I am continuously thinking in how much better off I am living simply than with all the junk that the consumerism of today pushes us to buy. We have thrown out bags and bags of clothes, and toys and just random crap that is unnecessary.

I repeat, its been crazy. But I also must say, it feels nice working a good hard 8 hour days. At least, I am working. These chilean guys stop every 45 minutes to drink wine or beer or eat. Every time I raise my head my compadres are drinking something else!

All in all, well it has been a good way to help. However, its definitely still hard. I never would have thought this would be my exchange. If I know one thing about God, its that he likes to break plans and show us we really aren't in control.

Well its time to go eat some more and rest my body. Everything hurts.

Thanks everyone for all your support.

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