Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Shoot! I'm almost an adult

In 5 days, I will turn 18. To me, that is something extraordinarily peculiar. I have thought I was an adult  since about the age of 10 and now its really happening. What my life looks like in my life right now:
Not doing my own laundry (gotta love Chile- I hate laundry)
Only cooking about once a week
Listening to/making sex jokes or gringo jokes all the time
Learning the cello (life long dream, and turns out my school has cellos to lend) 
learning spanish 
learning bad words in spanish
using bad words in spanish 
not driving 
walking to school everyday and loving every second of it
living in freaken Patagonia Chile! 

Well thats not really going to change at all with adulthood except I must point out, the drinking age here is 18 and I have been told that Chilean wine is incredible...

The last week there was no school in celebration of Chilean independence and man did we celebrate! Whether it was dancing the national dance in front of the whole town, eating incredible traditional chilean food, or dancing until 6 in the morning! It was definitely a good week. 

Thats all I got for you all. Ill get you pictures at a later date. Stay classy. 

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