Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The airport post.

Well here I am, the airport in Santiago. I left Porvenir January 4th and have been traveling Chile to Santiago. This truly is a beautiful country with an immense diversity of environments and an lots of corners to explore. I arrived to Santiago, a city that had left me with the desire to return when I left the first time. After returning to the Capital, I realized something, it's really not that great. Everything is dirty and there are way too many people everywhere. We were meant to live in community with nature, not cover it up with concrete and Megatrons.

I will surely miss my little town without stoplights, where everyone knows each other and a few miles of dirt roads can take you to a world of utter peace. It has been quite the journey I have had here in Chile and I am very thankful to my host family, Porvenir, my school and to be honest, all the people that gave me a ride when that infamous thumb was raised. It's time to head back home, but I am pretty darn sure it won't ever be quite the same. And that is the beauty in it all, because life isn't meant to stay stagnant, but rather, be an ever changing horizon.

I was reading this the other day and it really helped me with my time here, because when it comes down to it, trials are really the foundation of adventures.

Consider it all joy my brothers
when you encounter various trials,
knowing that the testing of your faith
produces endurance.
But, let endurance have its perfect work
so that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking in nothing.
But, if any of you lacks wisdom,
let him ask God
who gives to all
generously, and without reproach,
and it shall be given to him.

James 1:2-5

Just a little bit of the beauty of Chile.

Well Chile, I am out of here. Thanks for the ride. 
America, I'm coming home.